I was recently commissioned by a colleague to make a replica of an "Apsara"- a cambodian temple dancer. He lent me the wooden carving of the Apsara, and only requested that I make it as large as possible. It is a beautiful carved statue made of wood with intricate details. I have recorded each of my steps to illustrate the methodology to my art pieces. This is slightly different due to it's large size, and replicating a 3 dimensional statue also added to the challenge. I was quite happy with the result, but I don't think I will do a piece this large again. Everytime I wanted to work on it, I had to clear my entire dining table and make sure my kids did not touch it. My design was going to combine the goddess elements of Cambodian sculpture with actual details from present day dancers.
This is the initial sketch on black paper. I cut out the intricate details first, in order to place the gold behind the cut-outs first. I did her headpiece, necklace, belt, jewelry and wrap. Dancers always wear a lot of gold.
This photo shows the very first paper layer of gold. After this layer is glued behind the cut black paper, I can then cut the gold to add further color paper inside for more detail.
Here I am! Hard at work using my knife, trying not to strain both my back and eyes! Kids were fast asleep!
Red and gold are the common worn colors for Apsara dancers, so I added the red inside of all the gold. Dancers always wear a flower behind their right ear, with a dangling ornamental flower on the left.
The finished product. Since the Apsara carvings at Ankgor Wat are usually within a doorway of the temple, I attempted to create a doorway with beautiful paper that I got at Flax. I resembles carved wood. Her outift is white, as Apsara dancers wear, but I didn't want to cover her legs with too much white. I wanted to show the details of her pose and leg position.
The detail of her face is seen here; I did not "humanize" her with eyeballs, but instead gave her lips a red outline.
Whew! Happy that this challenging project is over. My little ones are happy ,too!