Lauhala Designs

A good friend of mine and hula brother, Pi'iali'i Lawson is a master of lauhala weaving. He has been a weaver for many years and learns from his Kumu in Hilo. He makes the most beautiful pieces of jewelry and accessories. I created these pieces in honor of him and his craft; a Hawaiian tradition.
Pi'i and his lauhala pieces, including that amazing hat he his wearing!

 I tried to capture the intricate detail and pattern of a lauhala piece. It is very confusing; the patterns look so simple but when you try and duplicate them you realize how complicated they are!

This is a lauahala or Pandanus tree, found all over Hawai;i. The dried leaves from the tree and stripped of their thorny sides, soaked in water and stripped again to get the nice long pieces suitable for weaving. A very complicated process that I can appreciate after going through the process on Kaua'i.  Painful too- the spines on the leaves are very sharp!
Lauhala Mat
 For more information about the items he sells or workshops, read more on his website. You can attend one his workshops to create your own Lauahala Bracelet! Pi'i's Website


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